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Thesis project


I am creating an onlin platform for people who love cooking to offer them challenge of cooking, evoke feelings of expectation and excitement, along with thoughts about discovering new recipes in the context of creative culinary creations. 



This project still working in progress, I still think about built with some restaurants or small businesses which can promote my app.

design questions:  Cooking by oneself is boring and even lonely in some ways, without  interesting cooking topic, without other peoples’ encouraging comments and communications, people may feel motiveless to cooking even if they love to cook. How to improve their cooking experience? How to continually stimulate there interests in cooking? I want to creative a cooking creation game for friendly cookout at home.

Design challenges & questions

My work includ: UI design/creativing coding/interaction desgin, visual design, etc.

September, 2015 - Present

Interview questions

Hi Aitong, I notice that you usually make some very delicious meals and you will post them on instagram, they are really attractive! I am doing my thesis project for my master degree and my goal is a cooking app that you can create challenges to other people or random accept challenges which created by other people.

Would you like to answer few questions for me?

  • According to your experience, have you ever felt motiveless to cooking sometimes? why?

  • Do you think other people’s comments are important to you? Will you satisfaction from others enjoying what you have made?

  • Most existing apps for cooking are recipes apps, that may constrain cooking lover’s ability. Do you think it is interesting to provide a platform to stimulate cooking lover’s creative ability? 

  • For this app, what awards you want to receive each time you finish a cooking challenge which created by other people?  





Aitong, 29

lawyer, NY

cooking lover, Popular on instagram

Q1: motiveless. Of course. When I am extremely tired, all I want is order take out and eat some fried chicken or greasy French fry which I will never cook at home. Sometimes when there is nobody to enjoy my cooking.... It is really hard. Because the better thing than cooking is watching some one eat food cooked by me. So when my husband loss his appetize I loss my passion to cook. But sometimes I just don't care about him and cook something I want to enjoy all by myself like drunken shrimp, crabs, fried dry fish.  


Q2: Yes yes and yes. I love watch people eat my food or just compliment my my food, that why I always post my food on instagram. Better than anything even a good sex. so satisfying. But I don't like people add ingredients or source on while eating my food. Like add stupid Tabasco on my kimchi fried rice. Hey, I cooked very hard for you and why you change the recipe? 


Q3: Yes sure! All cooking lovers  are like lab researcher. We like to creat new recipe. When I haven't shopped for couple of weeks and I have barely nothing except some old rice scallion some frozen fish and I use them to make some fish congee I feel like the God.


Q4: award? You mean online or real thing? If just online, I don't know. If real thing it definitely will be cooking ware or fresh picked veg or fruit packed and delivered to my house or some canned source or herbs. 

Why website and app?

 Recipe books have long been popular, but indeed the Internet and mobile apps have opened up the world of cooking to more people. 

There is a trend that social media will take the most important part in our daily life. It is a good way to easily get people together.

I want to gather as many people as I can to engage this interesting cooking game. I will design a website an app for this game.

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